
Payroll and HR

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Remuneration may consist of many elements. Our accountantscalculate salaries for employees of large enterprises, as well as small companies. They always consider the situation of the employer and employee individually.

Employees of our clients in a rotational system, in shifts, in plants covered by collective agreements, in non-standard or average working hours. Employers provide various benefits in kind, employees collect advance payments: all this must be included in the payslip.

Leave calculating salaries to our employees and the latest electronic accounting systems.

We calculate multi-component remuneration

We know everything about the Norwegian avarege working time
Payslips go directly to employees
We know how to include advances, deductions and allowences in the payslip
Supervision of an experienced accountant
We are up-to-date with the Norwegian regulations
We know how to calculate the most complicated salaries. Trust the experts. 

Need help?

If you have more advanced questions related to operating on the market in Norway we are happy to help. Please contact us so we can arrange a meeting and show what can we offer.