
Courses & Webinars

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Have you got Polish employees in Norway? These online HMS (Norwegian: Health and Safety) courses in Polish are perfect cor them. 

Norwegian Labour Code requires that each Norwegian company with employees is obliged to have HMS courses for:
  • Managing Director (Daglig Leder)
  • Employees HSE Representative (Verneombud)

We offer

  • courses prepared in Polish
  • the most important HMS regulations available for students in Polish
  • materials provide a solid basis for HMS documentation in the company
  • easily accesible 
  • available 30 days from registration
  • the possibility of completing the course within 7 days of starting
personal certificate

We also offer stationary courses.
Please contact us if you are interested in this offer.

Need help?

If you have more advanced questions related to operating on the market in Norway we are happy to help. Please contact us so we can arrange a meeting and show what can we offer.